You can rely on legal advice from Car Accident Referral Services to tell you whether your medical malpractice case is a good one. A 2016 study showed that every year medical errors cause approximately 251,000 deaths in the United States. Despite the numbers, medical malpractice is seldom pursued, because these cases are not always easy to prove and many people feel overwhelmed at the prospect of suing a medical professional. With all of the advances in medical technology and techniques used by doctors, the true number of deaths and bad outcomes from negligent medical care is still largely unknown or perhaps under-reported and under-documented.
At Car Accident Referral Services, your medical malpractice attorney will take the information that you supply to us and will research the medical issues to make an informed opinion on the merits of the case. If the medical research leads us to believe that a medical error occurred, then we will look deeper and begin a medical malpractice pre-suit process on your behalf as is required by Florida law.
To discuss questions or concerns about your Florida medical malpractice lawsuit, or to find out what’s involved in a medical malpractice claim, please call us to schedule a free consultation with our medical malpractice attorney.